Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Five Numbers to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Here are five numbers every woman should know for breast cancer risk reduction:
40 years: the age you should start getting an annual mammogram. Only about 5 percent of breast cancer diagnoses occur in women who are younger than 40. In fact, the average age of a woman diagnosed with breast cancer is 61, says the National Cancer Institute.
88 percent: the odds a woman with stage one breast cancer will live at least five more years, according to the American Cancer Society.
2 or more: the number of daily alcoholic drinks that may raise your chances for developing breast cancer by 20 percent. After conducting a review of more than 50 different studies on the relationship between alcohol consumption and cancer risk, a group of British researchers determined that for each alcoholic beverage consumed per day, a woman’s breast cancer risk rose by seven percent.
20 pounds: the extra body mass that could bump your breast cancer risk by 45 percent. Having excess fatty tissues can increase the amount of cancer-fueling estrogen in a post-menopausal woman’s body. Since the majority of breast cancers happen in older women, if you are at (or nearing) menopause, you should consider maintaining a healthy weight as a crucial step to take to avoid the disease.
5 hours: the minimum amount of time you need to spend sweating each week to ward off breast cancer. Numerous studies indicate that sticking to a regular exercise regimen can lower a woman’s chances of developing breast cancer by as much as 20 percent. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suggests engaging in a workout regimen that includes a combination of cardio and strength training.

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